Wednesday, March 23, 2011


A journey of togetherness

Brings pleasure immense

A walk, a talk and moments shared

Every word spoken

Lifting up the spirit

Echoing in the mind

Amongst the hustle and bustle

Resonating in clarity

A lifetime memory .


Dormant desires and chained emotions
Frozen dreams and nagging thoughts
Wavering existence
Flowing waves
Touching you with breezy hopes
Bringing in realizations
Not all is lost
There is more to gain........

Wondrous love elevates you
Floating in the air
It all seems so fair
Every possible incline
Showing the direction
Making the impossible
So possibly divine
With bated breath
We wait to hear
From the one we love so dear.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wide open eyes

Attentive ears

waiting for a beep

which brings me pleasure in heaps

To read lines of love

From someone you truly love

The best in me

comes out as words

And so the pen flows

with great fervour

To bring a smile in it"s

Full flavour.