Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Readable?? or Unreadable??

Iam not a writer par excellence-which you and i know and realised by now.This collection of mine are just words and thoughts which flow when am lost in trance.After couple of them did i notice that YES! these words when put togther does seem poetry somewhere along the way.Never intended to create a blog and make it public.But what has to happen HAPPENS!!!and lo,there starts my responsibility.... and to bring out the poet within is difficult as it pops up not many a times.some of you who if not by choice but chance wanders in here...me not the one to disappoint.This morning decided to put pen to paper(would be better if i say fingers to keyboard!!!) and bring out something which is for you to decide whether it is readable or unreadable.Whatever your decision be, my mission has been accomplished for you have already spared few minutes and gone through this so as to pass judgement Readable ??? or Unreadable????